Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentines 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!                                                                          It's been a couple of years since our last Autry family update letter & of course much has changed in our world.  I love getting this sweet chance to connect with old & new friends and family near & far, I especially love our move to doing this at Valentine's Day instead of's just so much more realistic for me just to plan to be a couple of months off the rest of the world's schedule! 
    So first things first...our biggest announcement of course is that we will soon be a family of 5!  Autry baby #3 is expected August 2015!  The news has spread to quite a few friends & family but since we haven't made an official announcement (meaning it's not on Facebook!) some of you may not have heard.   It's so different this time sharing the anticipation of a new baby with Caleb & now Sophia...Caleb really didn't understand what was coming when I was pregnant with Sophia but this time he totally gets it & he's got so many plans for all the things he's going to teach the's so cool to see him getting excited about his big brother role & Sophia...oh man...she is thrilled!  She's such a little mama naturally & she already is so sweet to the baby...picking out toys for baby...kissing baby...even tucking baby's precious & I can't wait to see how she reacts to an actual baby in our arms.   Jake & I are very happy about adding another amazing little human to the family...but of course with all the many challenges we face as parents we have some anxiety about what it will look like to now be outnumbered by these beautiful you can pray for our peace & that God will throw tons of parenting wisdom our way so we can be good stewards of these gifts He is giving to us.  I will never get over how truly life changing parenting has was like life was finally in color after Caleb was's incredible to see how much I am learning from them as they are learning from me.  It's a gift...such a gift.  
   Speaking of learning...we made the decision this last fall to homeschool as a family & we have joined 2 Christian homeschool communities - one is much smaller & organized by a dear friend of ours from way back to our dating days (14 years ago!) called Mommy & Me Homeschool Group.  The invitation to visit this group was the catalyst that the Lord used to lead to our decision.  The second group is a much larger community part of a nationwide homeschool Co-Op called Classical Conversations, it's an amazing community of christian families using the classical model of education.  As a piece of our weekly meeting Caleb is giving presentations to his class & it is so freaking cool to see how much he enjoys public is one of my greatest fears & I am loving that he is getting a chance to learn this skill starting as such a young age...he definitely takes after his dad in this area & it is so much fun to watch him.  I am in love with both of these groups & I am so grateful for the opportunity to be part of these communities.  It has been a real stretch for me in many ways to push past my anxieties & fears concerning community but I am trusting how I can see this is where God has brought us & I believe He will continue to give me courage to be vulnerable & grow through the gift of these communities.  Jake & I have always desired deeper community & friendships in our life & of course it's always been a struggle...but our prayer is that our children will grow up seeing beauty & value in sharing life deeply with other people & that will require us showing them what that looks like.  So please pray for all of us that we would grow in friendships & community this year.  I love watching my kids start to make friends...I have been blessed with 2 pretty much lifelong friendships (we've known each other for 30 years) & I wonder if any of the friends my kids know today they will know 30 years from now.
     Another way that God has been growing me personally in the area of vulnerability has been through a ministry at our church (Imago Dei Community) called Refuge.  Refuge is exactly what I always thought church was supposed to's a place where it's safe to be honest about how broken & messed up we all are, to go to Jesus together to let him change us.  I first joined Refuge 3 years ago & was a part of a small group there when my daddy took his life.  I was so grateful for the gift of people who were willing to sit with me in my pain in some of the darkest moments of my life.  After Sophie was born I wasn't able to make it for a while & finally this fall I was able to go back & be a part of a grief group at Refuge.  For the first time since my daddy died I have hope that I can find peace with this new reality...I will never be the same...there is no resolution to this kind of life changing loss but I am starting to see hope that I can be reconciled to who I am now & that my pain is changing into something I can live with.  I am so incredibly grateful for the gift of Refuge & how God is using it in so many people's lives. 
       I do not want this letter to be more than 1 pg here's some highlights to wrap up!  Jake is no longer working in public accounting, meaning we actually see him from Jan - April...yay!  He is loving his new job at Louisiana Pacific as a corp. tax accountant.  Caleb is going to be a 5 year old (little) man next month & I am in absolute shock at that reality...the days are long but the years are short!  He is so my son...certainly there are many things I see him in that remind me of Jake but let's just say he is so my kid!  Sophia on the other hand is a lot like her daddy...she's got tons of energy & passion.  And she's sweet & motherly & beautiful...and really just a ton of fun to have in our family.  I love watching their personalities grow & really getting to know who they are.      
 Thank you friends & family for this chance to share our joys & prayers with you...we are praying that you will know now & always how very much you are loved by us, but more importantly by Jesus - Happy Valentine's!

               Love - Jake, Laura, Caleb, Sophia & baby Autry