Saturday, June 23, 2012

Below is the birth story that I've written up to share with friends and family as we get ready to celebrate the gift of our second baby due late July...
Emmanuel - God with us

         Most of you already know that Caleb's birth was difficult and left me grieving and wounded in many different ways.  Ultimately of course it resulted in my beautiful and precious son and for that I am eternally grateful...but over time I've also come to realize the experience itself also blessed me in other ways.  I want to share with you the details of my labor and birth and where I am now as I continue processing those moments and memories that brought Caleb into the world - what I see now as gifts and what I am struggling with as I prepare for the unknowns of labor and birth again. 
         Caleb was due to enter the world on March 2nd - his birthday is March 17th...15 days later!  The first of many very normal but frustrating challenges in our birth story.  For the first few days we weren't concerned because Jake was deep in the middle of finishing up a huge project for his senior year in college and was glad for the extra time...then once he was done with that we were hoping Caleb would come before finals so we got more serious about things like acupuncture and chiropractic work to encourage a natural induction of labor.  At 9 days past due I had my first experience with strong, consistent contractions...all day long - but by night they were 15 minutes apart...not very effective to say the least!  Two days later late Saturday night, after taking some homeopathic remedies known to naturally induce labor,  they were back and they were was that night that I remember vividly my first "back labor" contraction...coming in from a walk to encourage the contractions it hit me and I was so disoriented by the intensity of the pain I could barely breath.  After that it seemed that we were having a baby!  My midwife came to the house around 2 am and agreed that yes this was the real thing...we called my dad in Gold Beach and he hit the road to be here in time to see his first grandchild enter the world.  But again things were slowing down by around 5pm the next day and when my midwife came to check me she suggested we rest and wait for things to pick up again...for anyone who has experienced this insanely frustrating (&normal) .
experience of labor starting and stopping multiple times knows that resting and waiting are not really easy things to do in this this point we were already exhausted and really ready for this to just happen...we were also heading into Jake's finals week!
         So we tried to rest through Sunday and Monday...Jake studied...I laid down when I could and walked the neighborhood when I couldn't stand it listening to my labor playlist on repeat praying that our baby would come soon.  We went for more acupuncture and to see the midwives and just kept hoping and praying.  When we did get to bed was only a few hours later that I woke up to a very painful "popping" water had broke...well technically it had sprung a leak...and spotting had begun.  So things started up strong as ever again and we settled in to get through each contraction and finally have our baby.  Then around mid-morning on Tuesday  my grandma came to the house (we had asked that we be left alone during labor and the plan was to have my parents and grandma there when the baby was born at the birth center)...she was none to happy that we had let things go this long and told Jake very clearly how unhappy she was.  And even though I wouldn't have believed it could happen, that feeling of safety we had created disappeared when she came and labor stopped completely...I was devastated. 
         After a few more unnerving calls from well meaning family and friends I was a wreck...I called the birth center sobbing and they had me come down and see a midwife who was in to check the baby's stress levels and just encourage me that everything was ok still (we had already had an ultrasound the Friday before to make sure things were ok since we were past due)...the time at the birth center was good and calming...they let me rest in one of the birth rooms and called my family to reassure them that the baby and I were both fine...they called in a student doula to be with me and Jake left to study for a final he needed to be at in a few hours.  I had one last appointment with the chiropractor and then the doula drove me back to our house.  Something about that opportunity to feel refreshed and supported and the appt with the chiropractor really set things in we were really in labor.  And here I found myself with a woman I had only met an hour before wandering around my house desperate to find a position that I could comfortably labor in.  We had planned to use the Bradley method of childbirth which coaches a woman in labor to "imitate sleep" while looks get all set up in this really comfortable side lying position and mentally focus on relaxing each part of your body and then just breath through the contractions with your eyes closed as if you are asleep.  That didn't work out so well for me...the first contraction that hit while I tried to imitate sleep sent me leaping from the bed and running from the contraction...apparently this technique is not well suited for back labor...anyways after a few hours of steady, strong and consistent contractions that were lasting a long time and coming close together we called the midwives...they told us to call back when Jake got home from his final and they would send someone back if things continued looking good. The moment Jake walked in the door I begged him to call them and they sent someone over to check me (on a side note Jake aced the final he took that husband is a rockstar!) When the midwife came to the house around 8:00 that night she decided it was time for me to head to the birth center...but my Midwives were all at another birth and had been for over a they arranged for another midwife to meet us at the birth center.  I was so happy to finally be heading to a place with a tub big enough to completely submerge in...water was the only relief I found in labor...that and intense strong counter pressure on my lower back was blistered and bruised after all the pushing I asked Jake to do during labor.  So we got there and settled in to get this baby out...things seemed to be going great...Jake and I did great together and labor continued to progress...everything looked good.    
         Sometime early in the morning my midwives came and took over...I had been at 8 centimeters for quite a while and continued to be through the morning so they called for the acupuncturist to come and the chiropractor...around 11 I think the acupuncturist came and worked on me and it was just as he was finishing that they asked me to get out the tub to check me that point they noticed the meconium in the water and while they were checking me Caleb's heart rate dropped dramatically.  They quickly put oxygen on me and my midwife made the call that this situation was serious enough to call an ambulance...I'm grateful she made the call but I was also devastated that my attempt to have a normal out of hospital birth was gone...only 1% of out of hospital births transfer by ambulance...usually things are much less dramatic but of course because I had so little support for our decision to birth this way...I was the 1% to use the ambulance.  The ride was awful...laying down was the absolutely most awful position to be in during painful for me.  Caleb's heart rate picked up on the ride and was looking good again when we got to Emmanuel they gave us a hospital midwife and gave us the option to continue laboring.  It was at that point that things started to unravel...a nurse immediately started whispering in my ear that I just needed to take something for the pain and everything would be midwives who were already exhausted were really starting to run out of fuel and Jake and I were feeling at the end of ourselves...after a couple of hours of labor at the hospital and no further progression I made a choice I deeply regret to get an epidural. 
         As soon as the epidural was in and I laid down the nurse and midwife started to get concerned about Caleb's heart rate again and told us they needed to insert a monitor into his scalp to get a better read on his heart rate...we were terrified but let them do it...and it was then that they said his heart rate was at OB rushed in and the anesthesiologist followed...they pumped me full of so many drugs for the emergency c-section that I couldn't feel my face for hours...nor could I hold my baby...that is one of my greatest wounds...I so desperately wanted to touch him.  It was 4 minutes from the time they read his heart rate at 40 to the time he was born...the scariest 4 minutes of my life...I was screaming and begging Jake to pray as we were rushed down the hall...and as he prayed I realized in that moment that God was there with us...that for all the distractions in this world and our lives that in this very real moment of my life, striped of all false comforts that I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is Emmanuel...God with us.  It is that I am so grateful for as I look back on Caleb's birth...I would never have asked to be put in that situation but I am so grateful that I had that opportunity to see so clearly my need for God and his love and provision for me. 
         The c-section went well...Caleb came out at just before 5pm a healthy 9plds 9oz screaming loud and clear and we had the amazing privilege of finding out he was a boy...Jake announced "it's a boy!" It was a bright and beautiful moment in the middle of all that chaos...immediately Jake went to Caleb and started cuddling and touching him...he didn't leave his side...I am so grateful that he understood the importance of our baby's first moments and that he took such good care of him...he is a wonderful daddy.  I passed out in the process of being sewn up and didn't wake till we were back in the room...sometime shortly after my dad came and was the first person besides Jake to hold him - I so wish he would be here to hold this baby and I will for sure be thinking of that gaping hole in my heart when this baby has no grandpa Frank to hold it.  When my mom and grandma showed up it was an emotional time...they were very upset by everything and it was a tough time for us, but it was my mom who finally got my baby in my arms...I didn't let go till sometime in the middle of the night. 
         We spent the next 5 days in the hospital...fighting and struggling to get breastfeeding started and trying to sort out why things had gone the way they had...a couple of "possible" explanations were primarily that Caleb was in the posterior position (meaning his back was to my back) and that created the back labor and made it more difficult for him to descend...he also was a pretty big guy...and the cord was wrapped around his neck - which is the best explanation for why his heart rate dropped so dramatically and quickly when I got the epidural...after so many hours of tension and pain when my body relaxed and my blood pressure dropped quickly - he most likely quickly dropped and the cord tightened around his neck and he was also affected by my drop in heart rate and blood pressure. 
         So with the hospital threatening to put me through every possible test they could during our heart rate was high and had been my whole pregnancy but they were very concerned there was more to it and put me through every test they could was an awful 5 days in the hospital.  They also thought Caleb had an infection and breathing issues so they had him on IV was just a mess.  When we finally left I had a full on anxiety/panic attack on the way home and had to call a friend from work to come to the house that night because I was sure we were going to screw something up with our precious baby.  Obviously he made it through that first night home with us and every other night since then.  I would relive every single, excruciating moment of this experience to have my Caleb...I am shocked and amazed at the gift of this child and am more than willing to see what this little one has in store for it's birth story.
         All that said our hope and prayer is to have a successful, natural, unmedicated birth with this second baby.  We have chosen to be at OHSU with their midwife team and are hopeful that their high success rate with VBAC's and drug free births will help us see that become a reality.  We've also chosen to have a doula with us during labor and are grateful to have found someone with 12 years of experience who also attends church with us.  You can pray specifically that the baby will not be posterior and that hopefully labor is much quicker than before.  You can also pray that the nurses and midwives who are with us during labor are supportive of our choices and encourage us to have a drug/intervention free labor.  But please also pray that I will have peace and confidence in my body's ability to birth this child and that no matter how this baby enters the world it will be just as healthy and beautiful as Caleb. 
         Thank you for taking the time to listen to my story and to hear my heart's desire to give thanks and gratitude to our God for every good gift, even those that come through great challenge and difficulty.  I was blessed and changed by this experience not only because of the amazing gift of a son but also for the indescribable gift of having my eyes opened to the reality and nearness of my savior...He is so good...all the time God is good!

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